Wednesday, 14 August 2013

What chickweed has to do with us

What chickweed has to do with us?
What does chickweed have to do with us?

Well, I'll tell you.

For those of you who don't know, this is what chickweed looks like:

Chickweed is a really annoying plant that literally takes over your garden.
If you pull it out, next year it is back again in full force to conquer any patch of dirt it can possibly find!

We can be like that. Our sinful nature is to be mean and selfish and take whatever we want for ourselves!

Luckily for us, though, Jesus came! He took upon Himself all of our sins and if we believe in Him and trust Him then we can be made pure through His blood.

There's something I didn't tell you about chickweed.

Budgies love it! Correct that. Budgies LOVE it!

Get the illustration? We are all mean and nasty and horrible and... generally like chickweed. But if we allow Jesus to come into our lives and change us from the inside, we can become like the chickweed that budgies love!


  1. I love the comparison. Thanks for sharing, Bonnie! :)


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