Saturday 19 March 2016


view from above Picton Harbour, looking out into the Queen Charlotte Sound

I read this poem today in my little devotional book "My Heart Overflows" (by Rosie Boom).

Sit still my daughter! Just sit calmly still!
Nor deem these days - these waiting days - as ill!
The One who loves thee best, who plans thy way,
Hath not forgotten thy great need today!
And, if he waits, 'tis sure He waits to prove,
To thee, His tender child, His heart's deep love.

Sit still my daughter! Just sit calmly still!
Thou longest much to know thy dear Lord's will!
While anxious thoughts would almost steal their way
Corrodingly within, because of His delay
Persuade thyself in simple faith to rest
That He who knows and loves will do the best.

Sit still my daughter! Just sit calmly still!
Nor move one step, not even one, until
His way hath opened. Then, ah then, how sweet!
How glad thy heart, and then how swift thy feet
Thy inner being then, ah then, how strong!
And waiting days not counted then too long.

Sit still my daughter! Just sit calmly still!
What higher service could'st thou for Him will?
'Tis hard! Ah yes: But choicest things must cost!
For lack of losing all how much is lost!
'Tis hard! 'Tis true! But then - He giveth grace
To count the hardest spot the sweetest place.
- J. Danson Smith

Isn't that such a beautiful poem? It really touched my heart when I read it. 


We all go through seasons of waiting on God for His will to be made known to us. We all, as the poem says, long much to know the dear Lord's will, while anxious thoughts steal their way corrodingly within. 

We must wait.

It's easy to say, so hard to do.

If you're in a waiting place at the moment, let me encourage you to hold on to hope. Trust in the God who always keeps his promises. Who will never be too early or too late. 

He'll come at just the right time.

Sit still, my daughter! Just sit calmly still.
What higher service could'st thou for Him will?
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  1. Ah, Bonnie! This was lovely! Thank you for sharing!

  2. This is such a wonderful poem, and it speaks to me so much as well! Thank you for sharing it! :)

    I found your blog recently, and I'm really enjoying reading all of your sweet and encouraging posts. Keep it up!


    1. Hi Mary!
      Awwww, you're so sweet! I'm so glad you are encouraged through my blog. May you be blessed!

  3. What a nice poem. Thank you for sharing it.
    Ps. I replied to your comment.

    1. Thank you! :) I love it.
      Seen your reply. Thanks

  4. This is SO beautiful, Bonnie!! I just recently found your blog and I really love it! The picture of you with the flowers is GORGEOUS too! :)


    1. Hi Hannah! :) Thank you for your sweet words! If the photo with the flowers is the one under the 'Welcome' button, then it's not actually of me. Eve, the girl who designed my blog, found it on Pinterest! :) Hehe.
      *heads off to check out your blog*
      Thank you for commenting!


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