Sunday 13 March 2016

on trust in changing circumstances

"Without Christ - not one step. With him - anywhere!"

David Livingstone famously said that.
I've been thinking about his quote recently, since my family has purchased a new house that we'll be moving into in less than a month.

We've been living in our current house for almost as long as I can remember. I was five when we moved here. Now we've purchased another house which has some land (18 acres) around it and isn't too far from where we live currently. It's going to be great.

But we're moving.

from here.....

to here!

We have to pack up all of our stuff - all of our belongings (of which we have quite a lot - as you can probably imagine, with going on 11 kids and all our homeschooling supplies!!!). It's going to be a mammoth job. I am looking forward to once we're all settled in. I am NOT looking forward to the move.

We've been searching for the right house for four years now, and so often thought that maybe God wanted us to just stay in our current house. But we've actually bought something now - and there's no going back.

This is a good exercise in trust for me.

I don't like change. I really don't like the idea of all the hard work of moving house. But I believe that God's given us the new one. I trust him.

Going back to the David Livingstone quote.... "Without Christ - not one step. With him - anywhere!"

It really sums up the next month or so for me. Actually, come to think of it, it sums up my life. I wouldn't do it without Him. I couldn't do it without Him. He is the breath in my lungs, he is the song in my heart, he is my life, he is my joy. He is everything. Without Him, not one step. With him, anywhere.

Trusting God is an adventure.
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PS. Today I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to Lydia! She's turning the magnificent age of 10. Welcome to the world of double digits. Have a lovely day and a lovely year!


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