Wednesday, 20 August 2014

a really interesting sentence

I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting; nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability transcendentalizes intercommunication’s incomprehensibleness.

You read it right! That was a real sentence! 

But guess what makes that sentence so interesting? That sentence consists of twenty words. The first word is one letter. The second word is two letters. Each successive word increases in length by a single letter until we arrive at incomprehensibleness, a word consisting of twenty letters.

Have a nice day!

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  1. Wow, that's amazing! I should memorize that or something.

  2. Seriously?! I have never even seen those words, let alone pronounce them, or know what they mean! Lol! Seriously, mind blown.. Who figured that out?! ;)

    1. I came across an article on Twisted Sifter about it and decided to post it for you guys. It's cool though, isn't it!

  3. Interesting, Have you come across the studies done on the new testament showing it's hepatic structure like ?

    1. I have read Chuck Missler's book "Cosmic Codes" where he talks about things like that. It's awesome, isn't it! Just goes to show that God is in charge of everything and he is amazing! :)


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