Saturday, 5 November 2016

live unabbreviated

Last night I was lying in bed, trying to go to sleep when this word, 'unabbreviated', stole into my head and decided not to let me sleep. You know that feeling when you're trying to sleep yet you just HAVE to think about something? Yes, it was that feeling.

The word unabbreviated is so interesting. It means not abbreviated. Not shortened. Not cut off or messed with.

And I love that idea. It appeals to me. It makes me think of big things. Wide open places, full things, long words, nothing shortened or messed with.

You know, I can't help thinking that most of us, in some way or another, abbreviate ourselves.

We place ourselves in a little box. We give that box a name. We call it our comfort zone, or our safety area, and we don't dare step out of that box.

I don't think there's anything wrong with having a comfort zone.

But do you ever step out of it?

Do you ever leave your little box - even for a few minutes?

The thing about comfort zones, boxes and abbreviating things is that it is restrictive. If you place yourself in a box, you are restricting yourself to that box.

Unless you realize the truth - that the box isn't locked, and that you can leave it and come back to it quite easily!

Don't restrict yourself.

Don't abbreviate.

Sure, retreat to your comfort zone. But step out of it sometimes. Do that thing you're scared to do. Speak in front of that group. Say yes to the mission trip opportunity. Go skydiving. Make friends with new people. Face your fashion fear, if that's what stepping out of your comfort zone means for you.

Life is hard. Work is tough. Love is complicated. People are confusing.

But I have the funniest feeling that if you step out of your comfort zone, you'll be forever glad you did.

Live unabbreviated! ^◕‿◕^
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Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9


  1. Great post Bonnie. It gives me something to think about.

  2. So beautiful and true!! Thanks for this Bonnie!

  3. So encouraging, Bonnie!

    I hope you have a wonderful week! :)

    With love and all joy,
    Allie D.

    1. I'm thrilled you found it encouraging! :) God bless

    2. I also just wanted to let you know, that I featured this post on my Featured Friday post for the week.

      Thank you!

      Here's the link to my Featured Friday for this week:

      With love and all joy,
      Allie D.

  4. Wow, great thoughts - I've been thinking along similar lines myself, so I appreciated this post even more! I really like the idea of living unabbreviated. :) Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

  5. Challenging post, Bonnie! I greatly enjoyed it... How true that we can't allow ourselves to get so comfortable that we actually restrict God's plans for our lives! Praying for and thinking much of you as you prepare to take a very big step yourself! Hugs to you, friend!

    1. I love that statement "we can't allow ourselves to get so comfortable that we actually restrict God's plans for our lives"... you put that so well! And summed up in one sentence what I spent an entire post saying. :P
      So appreciate your prayers, dear Kelly-Anne! You are so encouraging and a lovely friend.


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