Saturday 20 September 2014

Orchestra and the 1812 Overture

Firstly, my contest closes in 5 days so if you haven't entered, better enter quick. If you have entered, how about entering again? No one has reached the 5 entries per person limit yet. :)

Since I'm super busy today but I thought it was probably time for another blog post, here's a nice simple quick blog post for you all that hopefully you won't mind too much.

Seeing… the music for the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky in front of my eyes as I type... perhaps I've been practicing too much.
Hearing… aforesaid song. You know how songs go round and round in your head and they just won't stop? Not that I have anything against the 1812 Overture, it's a lovely song but I'm a bit sick of it now!
Tasting… absolutely nothing. Breakfast was far too long ago.
Needing… food. Chocolate, preferably.
Wanting... aforesaid chocolate
Regretting… that you only get told about plans at the last minute! I need plenty of advance notice, peoples!
Feeling… very hungry and slightly tired.
Wishing… that tonight would come sooner because I'm really excited. ;)
Thinking… that you guys are absolutely awesome
Laughing… over the conductor's antics at orchestra. He's pretty funny.
Recovering… from a massively busy day at work yesterday.
Anticipating… my orchestra concert this afternoon and then something awesome this evening
Dreaming… about that catchy 1812 Overture
Praying… for the national elections today. May God's will be done about who governs this country! :)
Reading… blog posts by friends.
Singing… yes, you guessed it! The 1812 Overture. Not that it has words, y'know. But singing it in my head. "Ba ba ba ba dum ba dum DUM dadum"
Wearing… my favourite comfy purple and black stripy top and a convenient pair of jeans
Preparing… for the concert this afternoon
Googling… nothing. Actually, seriously, honestly, nothing. At the moment, anyway.
Working… on this post somewhat frantically
Emailing… friends and having lengthy conversations about the most random of topics. It's all good though.
Sewing… hastily finishing alterations on my outfit for tonight
Considering… which top to wear to the concert this afternoon. I had a bit of a discussion with Mum about it last night but I still can't decide. Shall I go too small or too big?
Checking… my chocolate stash
Suffering… not having any chocolate.
Practicing… my piece for this afternoon (prepare to be amazed....), the 1812 Overture. Also practicing a couple of card games because it's good to keep up your skills on that sort of thing. ;)

I hope you are having a fun and fulfilling Saturday! I certainly am.

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  1. Sounds like your hungry! ;) haha! I love these kind of posts. Ohh! I forgot about your contest, I have been so busy lately! :P

    1. Good thing I reminded you about it then, isn't it! ;)

  2. sounds cool! :) what orchestra do you play in? :D

    1. It's just a small orchestra run by the School of Music in my town. Although I don't learn from them, I play in one of their orchestras which works quite well. I really enjoy it and would definitely recommend playing in an orchestra!


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